
This page provides the release notes associated with OpenVal™.


Release Date: 2024-10-02

“September 2024 Release”

This is a major release of OpenVal™ that includes an updated R version, updated snapshot date, additional R packages, and a removed package.

  • Total packages: 407
  • R version: 4.4.1
  • Package snapshot date: 2024-06-22


  • 17 new packages:
Package NameVersion
Package NameVersion


  • 217 packages with version updates:
Package NameVersion Old -> New
Package NameVersion Old -> New


  • 1 removed package:
Package NameReason
Package NameReason


Release Date: 2024-07-01

“June 2024 Minor Release”

This is a minor release of OpenVal™ that includes additional R packages to the March 2024 major release and an updated package version.

  • Total packages: 391
  • R version: 4.3.2
  • Package snapshot date: 2023-11-20


  • 36 new packages:
Package NameVersion
Package NameVersion


  • 1 package with version updates:
Package NameVersion Old -> New
Package NameVersion Old -> New

Note: Minor releases do not typically have updated package versions. Package kableExtra was updated to fix a bug with R 4.3.2 that caused an error when the package was loaded within an R markdown file.


Release Date: 2024-05-06

“March 2024 Patch Release”

This is a patch release of OpenVal™ that includes fixes to the March 2024 major release.

  • Total packages: 355
  • R version: 4.3.2
  • Package snapshot date: 2023-11-20


  • CommonJavaJars dependency package was updated to remove vulnerable log4.jar file
  • Installed Chrome to address dependency in the pagedown::chrome_print() function


Release Date: 2024-03-29

“March 2024 Major Release”

This is a major release of OpenVal™ that includes an updated R version, updated snapshot date, and additional R packages.

  • Total packages: 355
  • R version: 4.3.2
  • Package snapshot date: 2023-11-20


  • 39 new packages:
Package NameVersion
Package NameVersion


  • 117 packages with version updates:
Package NameVersion Old -> New
Package NameVersion Old -> New


Release Date: 2024-01-31

“January 2024 Minor Release”

This is a minor release of OpenVal™ that includes an additional feature to the December 2023 minor release and a fix.

  • Total packages: 316
  • R version: 4.2.1
  • Package snapshot date: 2023-07-31


  • New installation verification function


  • Updated Validation Report for inconsistencies in package versions between the Risk Assessment and the Validation Assessment sections


Release Date: 2023-12-29

“December 2023 Minor Release”

This is a minor release of OpenVal™ that includes additional R packages to the September 2023 major release.

  • Total packages: 316
  • R version: 4.2.1
  • Package snapshot date: 2023-07-31


  • 53 new packages:
Package NameVersion
Package NameVersion


Release Date: 2023-10-11

“September 2023 Major Release”

  • Total packages: 263
  • R version: 4.2.1
  • Package snapshot date: 2023-07-31